Properties have long been one of the most attractive investment instrument of professional and small investors. Major investors can diversify their portfolio very-well with a steadily growing commodity, and the small ones can secure their families better than any retirement savings.
Buying property as an investment is always a question of price and, above all, a question of location, which can offer interesting growth potential in the future. All major cities of Central Europe are experiencing a long-term growth in property prices, which is not surprising. The value of its real estate compared to Western Europe is still interesting. The potential these cities can offer is enormous. The annual supply of new people interested in housing drives real estate prices and rents up. At the same time, the situation is increasingly escalating with AirBnB travel, which is thus able to offer its users unusual experiences and show Bratislava from a different angle.
Bratislava itself combines beauty, the progress of a modern city, and thanks to its great location – just one hour drive by car from Vienna – and an exceptional alternative for large foreign companies, which are constantly strengthening their representation and thus creating new jobs. In less than twenty years, Bratislava has almost tripled the price of real estate, as can be seen from the data of the Slovak National Bank.
Given the rapid growth in real estate in the neighbouring Czech Republic, Germany, and other countries, growth can be expected to accelerate.
At the moment, we offer a unique opportunity to purchase real estate in the heart of Bratislava.
Take a look at the individual apartments or calculate the proceeds on the indicative investment calculator we have prepared for you or write a message through the online form. We will gladly advise you how to invest the best way.
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